Episode 18
Talking Geek, Soccer, and New Mexico Craft Beer with Kristin Elliott
In episode 18 of Life Through a Dram, I chat with Kristin Elliott on her family's historical background, her love of all things nerdy and geeky, how Twitter helped here decide which soccer team to support, why she misses New Mexico but loves New York, and more.
Topics on the menu include:
- Her family's very historical back story, and how her heritage shaped parts of the U.S.
- How she started a Twitter was between the fans of two New York MLS soccer teams
- Why she misses New Mexico when it comes to getting great craft beer
- Her love for all things nerdy
Settle back for a fun and educational conversation as Kristin shares her fun take on life, nerdiness, and her appreciation for the beautiful game.
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My equipment:
This week's whisky is the Ardbeg 10 year old. Slainte var.
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